Posted on May 22, 2013, 9:37 am, by admin, under
Recent News.
Congratulations to Dan Hellmuth, Principal at Hellmuth & Bicknese Architects, who was named as one of seven recipients of the 2013 Living Building Challenge™ Heroes Award. The award honors individuals who have “demonstrated exceptional commitment to the Living Building Challenge and whose work has helped to create an ecologically resilient and regenerative built environment.”
Dan Hellmuth was the lead architect on the Tyson Living Learning Center, which was one of the first two projects to become fully certified under the Living Building Challenge. The Tyson building includes Clivus composting toilet systems.
Read the full article here.
Posted on April 17, 2013, 8:36 am, by admin, under
Recent News.
The International Living Building Institute features the Chesapeake Bay Foundation’s Brock Environmental Center in its latest issue of Trim Tab. The Brock Environmental Center is being built to meet the Living Building Challenge and Clivus is being used as the basis of design for the restrooms.
According to the Living Building Challenge website, it is “the built environment’s most rigorous performance standard. It calls for the creation of building projects at all scales that operate as cleanly, beautifully and efficiently as nature’s architecture. To be certified under the Challenge, projects must meet a series of ambitious performance requirements, including net zero energy, waste and water, over a minimum of 12 months of continuous occupancy.”
Read the full article here.
A Portland, OR, home with a Clivus compost toilet system is currently being built to meet both Living Building Challenge and Passive House standards. The home was featured recently in the DJC Oregon’s article, “Super-green ‘Full Plane Passive House’ Being Built in Portland.”
May 2-4, 2012
Location: Portland, OR
Clivus Multrum’s own Don Mills will present at the upcoming Living Future 2012 unConference, hosted by the International Living Future Institute. “Case Studies: Opportunities and Challenges as Projects Get Bigger, How Systems Thinking and Integrative Design help meet the Challenge,” will be presented by the design team from the Tyson Living Learning Center (one of the first two certified Living Buildings), including Don Mills, Dan Hellmuth (Hellmuth + Bicknese Architects, LLC), and Neil Myers of (Williams Creek Consulting). The presenters will discuss a Living Building Challenge design for a three-story dormitory at Berea College.
Posted on November 8, 2010, 3:06 pm, by admin, under
Recent News.
The Tyson Living Learning Center at Washington University in St. Louis was featured recently in Construction Building Products Magazine.
Clivus Multrum composting toilets and greywater systems helped Tyson accomplish net-zero water management and achieve the Living Building Challenge’s first certification.
Read full article >>
Source: Construction Building Product Magazine
Posted on October 25, 2010, 8:14 am, by admin, under
Recent News.
It’s official! The Tyson Living Learning Center at Washington University in St. Louis has been certified as a Living Building by the International Living Building Institute.
Clivus Multrum is proud to have contributed to this sustainable endeavor. The composting toilets in the building are completely waterless and allow the nutrients in human waste to be recycled. The Greywater system uses water from sinks and water fountains to irrigate landscaping.
Read more from the WUSTL press release or the ILBI Certified Projects page.
Learn more about the composting toilet systems in the Project Gallery.