Parks and Recreation Toilet Systems, Parks and Rec Toilet Systems, Bar-T Mountainside Camp, Clivus Multrum Inc.
Bar-T Mountainside Camp
Urbana, MD
Setting the Bar High
Since 2006, Bar-T Mountainside has served 350 campers per day during the summer months and hosts private school students for
outdoor education programs during the spring and fall. Campers and students gain an appreciation for the natural environment
while exploring the camp's 150 acres, which includes streams, ponds, woodlands, wetlands, and agricultural areas.
Savings of All Kinds
When first considering installing a drip irrigation and septic system, the camp’s owners realized it would consume five acres
of land and cost $1.2 million. The owners learned that Clivus Multrum composting toilets with a greywater system, Bar-T could
cut the cost of waste treatment in half, protect the environment, use less land, and avoid putting in a new septic system.
Everything recycled
Today, nine waterless toilets and one waterless urinal are distributed across the camp. While turning waste into fertilizer,
the composting systems also save over 300,000 gallons of water per year. The end-products from the composting systems are used
on the adjacent agricultural land as fertilizer. A greywater system collects water from showers and sinks which is automatically
released into the root zone distribution system in the 8,000-square-foot native wildflower meadow.
Camp Feature Sheet