Posts Tagged ‘wastewater’

Composting Toilets in Construction Canada

Harnessing Wasted Opportunities: Technology of Composting ToiletsThe March issue of Construction Canada ran a feature about composting toilets written by Clivus Multrum’s own Don Mills and Amy Galvin.

“Harnessing Wasted Opportunities: the technology behind composting toilets” covers the history of human sanitation, the troubles of the current prevailing technologies and the advantages and technology of composting systems. There are also a few quick case studies.

Read full article >>
Source: Construction Canada

“The latrines get all the glory, the eye-popping oohs and aahs.”

The Washington Post has a feature on the Chesapeake Bay Foundation’s Philip Merrill Environmental Center in whih the headline of this post appears.

The Clivus Multrum composting toilets at the Philip Merrill Center are waterless and allow the nutrients in human excreta to be used as a fertilizer instead of polluting the bay.

Here’s a link to the full article at the Washington Post.

Water in the News

It looks like lots of folks are interested in water issues lately.

Yesterday three articles concerning water issues crossed our screens that were worth sharing.

Is Your City Running Out of Water?Good points us to an article on The 10 U.S. cities with the worst water concerns.

U.S. Water System Crumbling, Survey Supports Fix: TreeHugger tell us that U.S. water infrastructure is old and in disrepair. This results in pollution and wasted water. Sounds to us like incentive for using composting toilets and greywater systems.

Rethinking the Home Water SystemTreehugger adapts an chapter from Lester Brown’s Plan B 4.0: Mobilizing to Save Civilization where the use of water to handle sewage is questioned and composting toilets are considered as an alternative.

Watersmart Innovations Conference & Expo

October 6-10, 2010
Location: South Point Hotel & Conference Center – Las Vegas, NV

Hear our Sales Director, Don Mills, speak in Las Vegas. His presentation, “Up S**t Creek: How We Got Hooked on Sewage and How We Can Break the Habit” will be Thursday at 2:00.