Web Cam Mounted on Hallo Bay Clivus Building

hallo bay has Clivus Multrum composting toilets to serve visitorsIn Alaska the weather isn’t quite as sweltering as we’ve seen here in Massachusetts and we hear the sun never sets this time of year. Maybe it’s time for a visit.

Hallo Bay, the bear viewing camp in Katmai, AK,  has a webcam set up atop the building that houses the Clivus Multrum composting toilets. Have a look. Also take a look at Hallo Bay’s blog which is always chock a block with great bear photos.

Hallo Bay installed a medium sized composting tank for seasonal use at their eco-camp in 2003. It’s been providing a comfortable experience for visitors every summer since. Here in the Clivus Multrum office we wish they had more reason for maintenance visits. We’d love to stop by and check it out.